Accident Prone Knitter

Here you will find musings about knitting, home renovation, travelling, sports and the myriad of things I delight in. "Out into the brimming, sun bathed world I sped"

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Location: Central Pennsylvania, United States

I've lived in California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Toronto and Pennsylvania. I'm a retired police officer, and I've worked in accounting and payroll related fields for the last several years.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A little afternoon irony

OK this is just too funny not to let you all in on this.

So for about 5mins I’m sitting in my office here at work and listening to thunder interrupt my AM listening pleasure. The dark clouds are moving in and the wind picks up. It just starts to rain, and I think maybe My Favorite Blogger, who you may have realized is the News Director at, may not have put the windows up on my car. (I still have his today.) He works on the operational floor where there are no windows, and he doesn’t keep his eye glued to the radar of the local weather.

I call him and suggest he check on my car as it is still recovering from its surgery. I step away from my desk and come back to a voice mail from him. He’s called on his cell phone from inside my car and the message goes something like “YOU couldn’t have called me ten minutes earlier? I got out here just in time to close the roof and now I’m sitting here waiting for it to stop so I don’t drown.”

Somehow this is my fault??? Anybody else see the irony here?


Anonymous Anonymous said...



2:37 PM, July 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Normally I stick up for the poor misunderstood underdog. But ....

He works at ACCUWEATHER for goodness sake. He should be calling YOU to warn you.


*giggling hysterically*

3:04 PM, July 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL :))) Men!!!

12:57 AM, July 28, 2006  

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