Accident Prone Knitter

Here you will find musings about knitting, home renovation, travelling, sports and the myriad of things I delight in. "Out into the brimming, sun bathed world I sped"

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Location: Central Pennsylvania, United States

I've lived in California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Toronto and Pennsylvania. I'm a retired police officer, and I've worked in accounting and payroll related fields for the last several years.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cotton and Lace

I made it to my LFS today and what I thought would take five minutes took an hour. This store has tons of material for quilting and yet I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. The very nice sales ladies were very helpful, discussing what material would hold up, what was washable, what was on sale. This is what I came home with. It's a tad loud don't you think. I did not find this but was directed to it by one sales lady. Another sales lady used the words nice complementary colors. I went in thinking I wanted something in a light color, and looked at solids, and looked at tiny patterns. Yet for some reason this spoke to me, loudly. I hope I don't regret it. That's the button I chose and it's right next to my first knitted buttonhole.

Here's a shot of my first try at grafting. If you can see it there left to right, it looks like I messed up the first four or five, but after that it looks like I have it down. I was working on this last night in low light and didn't notice the problem. I think I have everything I need now so hopefully I can finish this up over the weekend.

Mom sent my Grammy's antique sewing machine home with me from the family reunion. What a keepsake it is. It needs to be reassembled (had to take the legs off it to fit in the car) and refinished, so pictures on it later. I did purchase this lace table scarf in South Dakota and I think it will be perfect to set on top. And here's a close up of one of the corners.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, I looove these colors! Really, purple and blue in all shades really get me going, reminding me of summer and sun and ocean and beach - you get the idea :) Don't know what this has got to do with purple, but it does the trick for me! So, naturally I love what you chose, and don't worry about it being a bit loud, we do need colors surrounding us, this world has way too few colors in it!
That lace table scarf that you got is truly a piece of art - actually I've been searching for something similar for ages, but never found anything as beautiful. But obviously it's out there, so I'll keep on hunting.

1:44 AM, June 16, 2006  
Blogger Deby said...

I love the colors so much. Great choice!

7:48 PM, June 16, 2006  

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