Entrelac and the Sheep on the Bus
I hope everyone has enjoyed their Mothers Day weekend.
I have actual knitting content. With many thanks to Knitty Otter and her wonderful instructions on Entrelac, I have two samples that will become dishcloths.
This was my first try using 6 stitches per diamond. I used Sugar and Cream cotton in the Buttercream colorway.
Here's my second worked with 8 stitches per diamond, again in Sugar and Cream but I can't remember the colorway. I didn't block either of these yet.
I signed up for
which starts up in June. When Jessica asked me about it at MDS&W, I told her I didn't think I would. Keep in mind that just about everything I picked up in Maryland was sock yarn and I have Trekking, Regia, Sockotta, Froelich and Knit Picks. Does this sound like someone who shouldn't join? In preparation for this I decided I better finish up my Pomatomus Socks from Knitty.
I set aside the P Socks back in the winter when I was working on some charity knitting. The more I think about Summer of Socks the more I'm looking forward to it.
Thinking more about my story about the sheep on the bus at Maryland Sheep and Wool, I did find another blogger who was on that bus and she does have a picture of the sheep on the bus.
I have actual knitting content. With many thanks to Knitty Otter and her wonderful instructions on Entrelac, I have two samples that will become dishcloths.

I signed up for

Thinking more about my story about the sheep on the bus at Maryland Sheep and Wool, I did find another blogger who was on that bus and she does have a picture of the sheep on the bus.
Labels: Socks
I love the Pomatumas socks.
Yay on the entrelac. I love the look of entrelac and I enjoy knitting it, but I don't have any projects with it. Hmmm.
I, too, joined up for the summer of socks. Not sure if I'll get any knit, but I'll give it a try. Jessica was gracious enough to let me in even though I'm a Rangers fan. *laugh*
That picture of the sheep on the bus is too funny. But I'm glad she got to ride in the bus instead of in a crate in a dark noisy spot.
Barb, your Entrelac is so beautiful! You know, this is a thing I've always wanted to try but never really dared to, I still think I would mess the patterns up completely - but seeing your beautiful work really inspired me to try it soon - perhaps at first in the "smaller" version like for dishloths or such, and if that works, then something bigger perhaps? Thanks for the inspiration anyway - and hey, I aodre your Pomatomus, the colorway you're using seems to be the perfect one for the pattern - it really makes it "jump out", so to say! Great!
I love your color choices! I've never done entrelac, but it looks challenging.
So how do I sign up for Summer of Socks? Or is only one Sabres fan allowed?
Love your socks and your entrelac skills are great! Is there something wrong with a sheep on a bus?
Barb, your P socks are beautiful! I love that pattern, and your yarn choice is excellent! :0)
I like the entrelac, too. I knit up one of those Garterlac dishcloths a while back to get the feel for it - I want to knit up the Lady Eleanor wrap/scarf this fall.
The socks are coming out awesome. I like the entrelac too. It's kind of addicting in a way. I *knew* someone had to have a pic of the sheep on the bus. The more I think of it though, the more I worry for that poor sheep's care and safety.
P.S. Thanks for the SOS2007 plug!
Your entrelac looks great!
The more I think about the sheep on the bus, the worse I think it is. And who would sell a sheep to someone who had obviously not planned to buy one?
These are the kinds of mysteries that I spend way too much time worrying about ...
Oh look at that! The second entrelac reminds me of those little layered candies....
Love it!
Your Pomatomas socks are so pretty! [adds another sock pattern to mountainous pile].
Nice dishcloths! Have you knit Dave's Gartelac dishcloths?
Oh my! An actual picture of a sheep on a bus. Who knew?
I love entrelac! I made a bunch of cotton entrelac dishcloths last month when I wasn't in the mood to knit anything else.
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