Accident Prone Knitter

Here you will find musings about knitting, home renovation, travelling, sports and the myriad of things I delight in. "Out into the brimming, sun bathed world I sped"

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Location: Central Pennsylvania, United States

I've lived in California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Toronto and Pennsylvania. I'm a retired police officer, and I've worked in accounting and payroll related fields for the last several years.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I think I'm gonna need a boat

I live in Central PA and to quote MFB, the Rain is a Pain. A major fishing creek is about 30 yards from our front door, and it's getting rather high fast and muddy. Even the ducks don't want to dip a toe, or is it web? Don't worry about the ducks though; they're in a neighbors yard, where some low lying ground has given the ducks a nice pond. If you can picture a happy duck, picture our local ducks, especially since all of a sudden a bunch of baby ducks have appeared.

On to the snakes, Snake Socks that is, pattern courtesy of Joanne. My nerves are ok now, thanks to Twig's suggestion of the vodka, and Kish and Michelle's suggestions of deep breaths and setting the needles down. I have to say, this is one fun pattern. It seems to be going very quickly, but maybe that's because it's not just a plain stockinette. Michelle has started hers and my friend; I think you're going to enjoy these.

Originally I was hoping there would be more "blobs" of color, but maybe the subtle colors will be better in the long run. I decided to use some stitch markers to mark the pattern repeat, it's helping this novice stay on track.

Oh Michelle, if you're reading this check out "Another Interesting Blog"'s posting here because I know how you love Chocolate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your snakes are coming along nicely. I'm looking forward to seeing them when they're finished. Great job!

11:39 PM, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The socks are looking good. Let me know if you need my mailing address to send them to me. *laugh*

2:58 AM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Uneeknitter said...

ROFL...that post was soo true about brownie mixes. Unfortunately DH doesn't like brownies. On the rare occasion we have cookies, I just buy them. I just don't bake much...especially in the summer.

BTW..your socks look GREAT! I will probably try this pattern again, just with a different yarn. It is a nice pattern and the repeats are quite soothing.

Don't float away!!!

8:44 AM, June 28, 2006  

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