Accident Prone Knitter

Here you will find musings about knitting, home renovation, travelling, sports and the myriad of things I delight in. "Out into the brimming, sun bathed world I sped"

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Location: Central Pennsylvania, United States

I've lived in California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Toronto and Pennsylvania. I'm a retired police officer, and I've worked in accounting and payroll related fields for the last several years.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Progress and new wool

Here's my progress on my toe up Feather and Fan sock using Wendy's pattern. Feather and Fan is another first for me and it's a fun pattern and very easy to remember. I wasn't sure how this Knit Picks Dancing colorway would look in this stitch pattern but I didn't have to worry. I like it. I'm feeling the urge to make a scarf for the winter out of this pattern in maybe a silk wool blend. MFB would say "don't you have enough scarves?" Ahem...well...uh...see most of the ones I made are the standard garter stitch novelty yarn variety. And yes, I do have enough, but I think it's time for something more "sophisticated" maybe? I'll add it to my list of future projects, which seems to be growing.

I love Fridays and I actually got away from work a little early, so I made it to my LYS to replace the wool that was sent to the land of frogged forever. I did look around a little but did go with the recommendation of my shop owner. Here is what I came home with. Isn't it beautiful? It's 50% Chinese Tussah silk and 50% fine Merino wool. The colors, Oh My Gosh, the colors but this light teal is what I chose. It feels even nicer than it looks. So as soon as the first sock is done I think I'll do a swatch and practice the cable sans cable needle technique and start to work on this. I'll see how my nerves hold up.

While at my LYS they received a phone call from my knitting group organizer who one 1st Place and Best of Show at the Grange County Fair for her entry!! Congrats Kim.

Have a great weekend all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love that yarn! I'm not sure one can have too many scarves. I'm also pretty sure it's a capital crime to suggest such a thing. We can let him off with just a stern warning this time.

(And doesn't everyone say accoutrements with a fake, thick, French accent?)

11:33 PM, August 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, what an awesome sock! That pattern rocks big time, it's high up on my "Have to knit" list too - and the yarn you're using is just perfect, what a cool colorline! And the new one you got, yummy - I'd say you chose the perfect color!
I agree with Twig by the way: A girl can never have too many scarves!

3:13 AM, August 27, 2006  

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