Pomatomus Socks

These socks have been popping up all over the web so I decided to join the crowd. I'm using Opal Petticoat color 1290. I thought the colors would be a bit more subtle than what they are but they are growing on me.
I'm enjoying the pattern but I've discovered that lace type patterns are a bit ironic for me. Back several months ago I discovered that when I re-taught myself knitting I re-taught myself wrong - by wrong I mean I would knit into the back loop and I can't remember what I did for the purl stitch but it was wrong too. The result was my stitches were twisted (bad enough I'm twisted - but that's a story for another day) and even the edges of my garter stitch scarves curled. Well if you've knitted lace you know where I'm going with this - lace calls for knitting through the back loop. Heah good news - I've got that part down. What I don't have down is a reasonable perception of the size of my legs for the sock cuff. Sunday I started the socks and after a couple inches discovered that the cuff would be too tight to get on, so frogged it and cast on with a pair of 2.75 mm dpns. The picture is my current progress after one pattern repeat. These are fun.
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments on Mr. Hedgie. He was fun and a good lesson to me to work on a project until done. He came with me on "Take your Hedgehog to Work Day" and has decided he's pretty comfortable there. He'll be joining me Thursday night for my usual and very enjoyable outing at the local library with our local knitting group. One of my coworkers asked me if he had a squeaker in him and I said "No that would be tacky" But as we talked more later I thought of the show NCIS and the character Abby (she's the Goth Forensic Scientist - a great character) who has a stuffed gorilla that has a whoopee cushion. I thought yeah a tooting Hedgehog, that's not tacky that's hysterical!
OOoooh that is so pretty! As for the knitting tbl, that isn't *wrong* per se. I do it all the time. You just have to purl differently to untwist it on the other side. But I've found it easier to do it the *right* way when working in the round since you don't usually get to purl it to un twist it. Totally confused yet?! ;)
Tooting hedgie!! Hillarious!!! :)
Bring your hedgehog to work day? *laugh* My calendar doesn't list that holiday.
Funny you should mention the squeaker. My girls LOVE squeaky toys but are pretty destructive for their little sizes. Consequently I have quite a few spare squeakers around here and was thinking they'd like a squeaky hedgehog.
Awww, your Pomatomus' (Pomatomi??? Poms???) are going to be amazingly beautiful with this yarn! The pattern just rocks, it's one of the coolest I came along so far - and hey, this way you're going to re-teach yourself how to knit - though knitting tbl is definitely not wrong! As for the cuffs being too tight, when I did mine, I read all over the web that people were having problems with the tightness of the Pomatomus' socks - obviously the pattern doesn't stretch so much and thus has to be done a bit bigger, depending on the yarn of course. Just try yours on all the while during knitting and you'll sure find the perfect size!
Thanks for checking out my blog and for your encouraging words! The scarf is coming along beautifully. I love your socks! I have started using circulars for socks and love it. What pattern is that?
Barb--me again. Do you know how hard it would be to convert this pattern to two circulars or one circular even? Also, I have a hank of the Cherry Tree Hill supersock merino that I want to use--I think it would work to the same gauge. Tell me the truth--is it a hard pattern...Cheers.
Your Pomatomus looking really good! Isn't it a fun knit?
The socks are very pretty so far. I'm tempted! Very tempted!
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